Time Off

Taking a break – may be showing up from time to time and an occasional post over on The Curious Introvert or reading your blogs. August is going to be a crazy busy month, and there are some things I need to tend to.

8 thoughts on “Time Off

    1. Thanks. We have a new baby in the family, and my sister has moved in with us for a season. And in the midst of everything, my George Bailey cat decided to decamp and I haven’t been able to coax him back indoors. That’s the most traumatic part of the whole thing.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aww, well congratulations on the baby, and I’ll keep George in my prayers. I’ve got the opposite problem… A neighbor keeps leaving his cat outside and the poor thing wants to come in my house. Good luck and please keep us posted. I’ll be thinking of you. ❤


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