A Blogging Award from Rachel Carrera, Novelist: The Field of Flowers Award

Being nominated for a blogging award always takes me unexpectedly. It usually takes me awhile to  get my act together. The Field of Flowers Award means a lot to me, especially the kind words that Rachel said about my blog. Thank you so very much. Not only have you honored me with this award, but with it I have discovered your delightful blog. So without further ado, here it comes!


▪Thank the blogger who nominated you – have gladly done so!
▪Place the award on your own blog – done!
▪Nominate 7 other bloggers and write a little something about why you would give these bloggers “A Field of Flowers”.

In no particular order:

  1. The Professor blogs here in The Punchy Land. Some of you are wondering what sort of blog that is. The Professor is a genial chap and fun to read. One of the outstanding things that he has done is to make his blog a truly interactive community in a very “punchy” manner. Now that you are all confused, you will know how our growing community feels on a daily basis. The best thing for you to do is visit for awhile. Warning: if you stay too long, you may become addicted to the hilarity that we all enjoy.

  2. As a reader, I will admit that I follow a few book review bloggers for the sake of a higher TBRlist. FictionFan’s Book Reviews  cover across the fiction genre and includes classic stories and new authors. Her reviews are fun and informative. Her take on horror is refreshing. She’s good. If you like to read, swing by her blog and check her out.

  3.  Petals Unfolding | Whispers of Silence features some of the most beautiful photographs of nature that I have ever seen. If that were not enough, she adds  thoughtful words with each of her photographs. Following her blog is knowing that when I need some quiet and encouragement, it is there. Take a look at her outstanding photos, and rest on them.

  4. This man, Opinionated Man, is a prolific blogger. He will make you think about things you never imagined thinking of. He is, as his title suggests, quite opinionated – but he’s upfront about it. He has opinions about nearly everything. Unlike others, as long as his readers respect him and others, he encourages others to share their opinions as well. If he disagrees, he does it in an agreeable manner. Adult content warning

  5. Heather Kopp blogs over on Sober Boots where she shares her journey along the the road of being a recovering alcoholic and other topics. She is frank about her mistakes and has a tender heart for people who struggling with many kinds of bumps along life’s road. Something she said last week on her blog rang a bell for me. She said that caring for someone’s dog while they are away is also a spiritual practice. Check her out.

  6. The LadyCheetah blogs on Life in the Concrete Jungle. She offers her perspective, observations and opinions in short, pithy but humorous segments. Her posts help make my day a smiling one. It will only take a minute to go over there and see what’s going on.

  7. Do you have food allergies? Bethy at The Girl Who Couldn’t Eat Anything blogs about finding things to eat when you can’t eat…well almost anything. She also journals about the vagaries of high energy  four-year-old daughter she calls, The Princess, and who hasn’t yet come to the end of her explorations. I will admit to a strong bias for this blogger since she is my eldest daughter. But if you or you know someone you know that struggle with food allergies, take a look at some of her very yummy recipes.

▪Let your nominees know that you nominated them.

Will attend to this momentarily.